Aby Warburg 150. Work. Legacy. Promise. (Dia 3)
Miercoles 15 de Junio
9:00 Registration
Session 4
9.20 Georges Didi-Huberman: Discharged Atlas: Uprising as ‘Pathosformel’
9.55 Uwe Fleckner: Aby Warburg’s ‘Manet and Italian Antiquity’ as Psycho-Intellectual Self- portrait
10.30 Anke te Heesen: Exhibitions: The Cultural-historical Turn of the 1970s
11.05 Coffee
11.35 Kurt W. Forster: The Past in Gestures, the Future in Memory. The Leipzig Circle of Physiologists and Warburg’s Construct of mneme
12.10 Respondents: Gerhard Wolf and Linda Báez Rubí
12.50 Lunch
Session 5
14.00 Ulrich Raulff: ‘Nachleben’. A Warburgian Concept and its Origins
14.35 Marina Warner: Stepping beyond Words: Narratives on the Move in Times of Conflict
15.10 Tea
15.40 Martin Treml: Warburg´s ‘Bilderatlas’: A Tool for the Study of the History of Religion
16.15 Cornelia Zumbusch: ‘Physik des Symbols’. Aby Warburg and the Energy of Art
16.50 Summing up: David Freedberg
17.30 Close