Aby Warburg 150: Work, Legacy and Promise
13 – 15 June 2016
On 13-15 June 2016, the Warburg Institute celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Aby Warburg. At the centre of this commemoration we are holding a conference dedicated to his work and heritage. It will reclaim the centrality of Warburg’s thought and vision not only for the London Institute but for the world of international scholarship. A large group of distinguished scholars will discuss the implications of his thought for the history of art, images and cultures. The aim will be not only to illuminate the past, but to reveal the potential of his writings for the debate about contemporary cultural differences as well.
We are grateful to the following organisations for their support for the conference:
Max Kohler Stiftung – Samuel H. Kress Foundation – Warburg-Haus
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research/Bilderfahrzeuge Project
Organisers: David Freedberg and Claudia Wedepohl (Warburg Institute)
Speakers: Andreas Beyer (Basel), Horst Bredekamp (Humboldt University Berlin), Robert Darnton (Harvard), Lorraine Daston (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin), Georges Didi-Huberman (EHESS, Paris), Frank Fehrenbach (Hamburg), Uwe Fleckner (Hamburg), Kurt Forster (Yale), David Freedberg (Warburg Institute), Thomas W. Gaehtgens (Getty Research Institute), Carlo Ginzburg (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), Christopher Johnson (Bilderfahrzeuge Project), Philippe-Alain Michaud (Pompidou Centre), Peter Miller (Bard Graduate Center, New York), WJT Mitchell (Chicago), Ulrich Raulff (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach), Elisabeth Sears (Michigan), Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary), Anke te Heesen (Humboldt University Berlin), Martin Treml (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin), Martin Warnke (Hamburg), Marina Warner (Oxford and Birkbeck), Claudia Wedepohl (Warburg Institute), Sigrid Weigel (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin) and Cornelia Zumbusch (Hamburg)
Venue: UCL Institute of Education, Jeffery Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Attendance at the conference will be free of charge. Pre-registration is required at: http://bit.ly/1WkgvCs
Mas información: http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/colloquia-2015-16/aby-warburg-150/#c2668
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