The Art of Reception A trans-and interdisciplinary conference at the University of Hamburg
Call for Papers 28–30 November 2013
The conference which aims mainly at young esearchers is dealing with processes of reception in visual arts. Images (in the broadest sense: sculpture as well as performance, oil on canvas or Hollywood movies) are rambling through cultures and times.
Decoding of their changing meanings and references is a key to the understanding of the involved cultures. Looking at recent publications it seems that in the wake of Aby Warburg’s analysis of classical reception in the renaissance art history and classics are still the protagonists of reception studies.An analysis which is to go beyond
the mere allocation of illustrative functions of such works of visual arts and the receptive processes of production may not just be carried out by using methods of iconography, iconology and formal aesthetics only. Methods of narratology and
semiotics for example may also be a pplied which involves further disciplines such as media studies, linguistics, cultural anthropology or philosophy.
Hence it is apparent from a cursory view of this
field minted by visual studies that reception studies are inviting trans-and interdisciplinary
The conference will concentrate on the following topics:
-Reception studies as a trans-and interdisciplinary field
-Processes of reception and methods of analysis
-Aspects of intermediality
-Reception and culture
The conference is organised by students of art history and archaeology of the University of
Hamburg. It will contain lectures and workshops on the main topics and provide opportunities
for discussion. We are especially looking for contributions which deal with processes of reception
in visual arts in an interdisciplinary way.
There is no limitation to certain times or cultures.
Proposals for lectures (30 min) or workshops (60 min) in German or English may be sent to
(contact persons: Jacobus Bracker, Ann-Kathrin Hubrich)
until 31 July 2013.
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Further we would be grateful to receive a short academic CV.
Funding of speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses can currently not be guaranteed.
However, participation in the conference is free of any charge.
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