Nombre:  Web archive in Visual Anthropology
Descripción:  WAVA is an archive resource for people interested in the anthropology of visual communication. It features out-of-print and unpublished materials useful for teaching and research. We have secured permission to place works on the web so that interested parties can download and use them. WAVA was created and is maintained by the faculty and graduate students in the graduate program in the anthropology of visual communication at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA USA. Among those givingtheir time and engery are Lindsey Powell, Rebecca Sobel, Kimberly Dukes, Stephanie Takaragawa, and Kendall Roark. We welcome your comments, criticisms and suggestions for additions. We have no funds for this site and are dependent upon voluntary labor. If you know a work that deserves to be circulated, please consider scanning it and sending the work on disk so that we can add it to the archive
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