Título de la publicación:
 (In)Visible Culture – Revista en línea sobre Cultura Visual.
Entidad editora:
InVisible Culture was founded in 1998 under the editorship of Mario Caro, and has since been edited by Reni Celeste, Margot Bouman, Lucy Curzon, T’ai Smith, Catherine Zuromskis, Aviva Dove-Viebahn, Cynthia Foo, Gloria Kim, Godfre Leung, Genevieve Waller, Iskandar Zulkarnain, and Zainab Saleh.InVisible Culture was made possible through the generous support of the Office of the University of Rochester Provost, Charles E. Phelps and is maintained with support from the Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies.
Fecha de inicio:
InVisible Culture is an electronic journal of visual culture. The journal is dedicated to explorations of the material and political dimensions of cultural practices: the means by which cultural objects and communities are produced, the historical contexts in which they emerge, and the regimes of knowledge or modes of social interaction to which they contribute.
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