Título de la publicación:
 Visual Ethnography
Entidad editora:
 University of Basilicata, Italy
Fecha de inicio:
Visual Ethnography is an online peer-reviewed journal dedicated to researches on the following topics: the production and the use of images and audiovisual media in the socio-cultural practices; the ethnographic representation through audiovisual media and devices (film, photography, multimedia, etc.); the gaze and the practices where vision is an important item for the construction of the meaning in the social relationships and practices; on the visual dimension of objects, bodies, places and environments. Moreover, the journal reserves a space for articles devoted to reflections on theories and methods of anthropology.Visual Ethnography publishes two issues a year in five languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The interests of Visual Ethnography cross visual anthropology, media anthropology, visual cultures, museography, photography, contemporary art, cultural studies, film studies, anthropology of the senses, digital cultures, anthropological theory.
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